h a i t i a n
a c t i v i s t
f e m i n i s t

Paige Galette (elle.she.her) is passionately involved in political movements fighting for social justice; the Labour movement, the Women's movement, the Queer movement and

the Black liberation movement. Elle parle et anime également en français.

b i o


Paige Galette (elle.she.her) was born in Montréal, raised in London, Ontario, and makes the Yukon her home. Paige Galette is a nationally-based community organizer and educator with a strong background in governance, policy, and employer-employee relations. Paige leads workshops on anti-racism and anti-oppression. She holds over 15 years of experience serving in leadership roles on NGO boards.

Paige is a co-organizer and co-founder of Northern Voices Rising and currently sits on the Community Midwifery Association of Yukon board (CMAY), the Yukon Child Care advisory committee to the Minister of Health and Social Services, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives’ National Office Steering Committee.

paige galette bio

Paige lives and works from the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta’an Kwäch'än Council (Whitehorse, Yukon). Paige works remotely and is available to travel for speaking engagements.

Contact Paige for more info.