w r i t i n g

Paige Galette est chroniqueuse pour Francopresse

e d i t o r i a l

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02/06/21 | Paige Galette | Francopresse


Summer 2021 | Paige Galette | Yukon North of Ordinary


06/01/21 | Paige Galette | Francopresse


8/11/20 | Paige Galette | Francopresse


27/10/20 | Paige Galette | Francopresse

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06/02/20 | Paige Galette | Toronto Star


11/2016 | Paige Galette | CUPE 1281 Newsletter


17/07/16 | Roxanne Dubois, Paige Galette | Citizens’ Press


b o o k . c h a p t e r

From Cheechako to Sourdough : Reflections on Northern Living and Surviving, while Being Black

Until We Are Free : Reflections on Black Lives Matter in Canada

Rodney Diverlus, Sandy Hudson and Syrus Marcus Ware | University of Regina Press | 2020